Name: |
M1 Electric User Device
URN: |
Version: |
Description: |
Provides information detected by a single-phase or three-phase User Device (M1); it supports the main information contained in the Chain2 CF1, CF2, CF3 and CF4
Name | Description | Required |
WithdrawnActiveEnergy |
Active energy withdrawn (in the case of three phase user device it is the sum of the phases). It can be calculated as difference between two meter readings. It corresponds to the Chain2 field with OBIS '1-0:'
WithdrawnActiveEnergyReading |
Total active energy withdrawn from the grid (corresponding to the value provided by the meter reading at the end period timestamp). It corresponds to the Chain2 field with OBIS '1-0:'
period |
Measurement period of the data reported in the row
Chain2WeaveCode |
A code that identifying the Chain2 frame implemented by the UrbanDataset instance
ElectricityEndUseCode |
End use of the electric consumed energy (e.g. lighting, motive power, general, air conditioning,...)
EnergyCommunityID |
Energy community identifier
FeedInActiveEnergy |
Active energy fed into the grid in the period (in case of three-phase user device it is the sum of the phases), to be calculated as the difference between two meter readings. It corresponds to the Chain2 field with OBIS '1-0:'
FeedInActiveEnergyReading |
Total active energy fed into the grid (corresponding to the value provided by the meter reading at the end period timestamp). It corresponds to the Chain2 field with OBIS '1-0:'
FeedInActivePower |
Power fed into the grid in the period (in case of three phase user device, it is the sum of the three phases). It corresponds to the Chain2 field with OBIS '1-0:'
FeedInCapacitiveEnergy |
Capacitive reactive energy fed into the grid in the period (only for three-phase user devices). It corresponds to the Chain2 field with OBIS '1-0:'
FeedInInductiveEnergy |
Inductive energy fed into the grid in the period (only for three-phase user devices). It corresponds to the first value of the Chain2 field with OBIS '1-0:'
FeedInInductiveEnergyReading |
Total inductive energy fed into the grid (corresponding to the value provided by the meter reading at the end period timestamp). It corresponds to the Chain2 field with OBIS '1-0:'
MeterID |
A unique identifier for the meter
MeterSchemeID |
Indicates the encoding scheme the identifier provided in the MeterID field belongs to
Point Of Delivery (POD) identifier
PrimarySubstationID |
Primary substation identifier
RealEstateUnitID |
An identifier for the real estate unit (e.g. apartment, building, independent house...)
SchemeID |
Identifies an encoding scheme
TownCode |
Municipality ISTAT code
UserDeviceID |
Identifier of the User Device
WithdrawnActivePower |
Power withdrawn from the grid in the period (in case of three-phase user device it is the sum of the three phases). It corresponds to the Chain2 field with OBIS '1-0:'
WithdrawnCapacitiveEnergy |
Capacitive reactive energy withdrawn from the grid during the period (only for three phase user devices), corresponding to the Chain2 field with OBIS '1-0:'
WithdrawnInductiveEnergy |
Inductive energy withdrawn from the grid in the period (only for three-phase device). It corresponds to Chain2 field with OBIS '1-0:'
WithdrawnInductiveEnergyReading |
Total inductive energy withdrawn from the grid (corresponding to the value provided by the meter reading at the end period timestamp). It corresponds to the Chain2 field with OBIS '1-0:'
coordinates |
Geographical reference
timestamp |