Name: |
URN: |
Version: |
Description: |
Provide information relating to the presence of people and/or transport means (if necessary categorized by age group, gender, origin, type of means of transport,....), giving them a spatial and time frame
Name | Description | Required |
LocationID |
An identifier for the location where attendances were detected
PresenceCount |
Number of detected presences
period |
Measurement period of the data reported in the row
AgeRange |
If presences refer to peopole, it indicates their age rage
EndTimeSlot |
End time of the time slot in which attendances were detected. It applies to the whole period of the row
GenderCode |
If presences refer to peopole, it indicates their gender
LocationName |
Name of the place where attendances were detected
Nationality |
If presences refer to peopole, it indicates their nationality
PeriodQualifierCode |
A qualifier for the period
PeriodValue |
The period expressed as a textual value (e.g. "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "2022", etc.)
PhysicalUnitCategoryCode |
A code indicating the category (people, vehicles) the number of attendances indicated in the PresenceCount field refers to
SchemeID |
Indicates the encoding scheme the identifier provided in the LocationID field belongs to
StartTimeSlot |
Start time of the time slot in which attendances were detected. It applies to the whole period of the row
SubLocationName |
A name for an area within a location
TimeSlotDescription |
Time slot expressed as a value. Recommended values "daytime", "nighttime", where, if not specified by "Start time" and "End time", it is assumed that: - daytime: from 07:00 to 18:59 - nighttime: from 19:00 to 06:59
TotalCountFlag |
Indicates whether the indicated number of presences is total (true) or partial (false) for the measurement period
TownName |
If presences refer to peopole, it indicates their domicile or residence city
WorkingDayFlag |
Indicates if the data contained in the row refers to weekdays or holidays
coordinates |
Geographic coordinates of the place indicated in the message line