Name: |
Weather Condition
URN: |
Version: |
Description: |
Provides weather condition
Name | Description | Required |
AirTemperature |
Air temperature
LocationID |
An identifier for the monitored location
MeteoStationName |
Name of the weather station providing data
RelativeHumidity |
Relative humidity, expressed as percentage
coordinates |
Geographic coordinates of the weather station
period |
Measurement period of the data reported in the row
AtmosphericPressure |
Observed atmospheric pressure
DewPoint |
Dew point
Luminosity |
OneHourRainfall |
Amount of rain calculated in 1 hour by pluviometers in millimeters of accumulation
SchemeID |
Indicates the encoding scheme the identifier provided in LocationID field belongs to (e.g. ISTAT if the monitored area is identified by the ISTAT municipality code)
SolarRadiation |
Total observed solar radiation
ThreeHoursRainfall |
Amount of rain calculated in 3 hours by pluviometers in millimeters of accumulation
TotalCloudCoveragePercentage |
Cloud cover percentage: indicates how much of the sky is covered by clouds (0% stands for clear skies, 100% for completely cloudy sky)
WeatherConditionCode |
A code stating the weather condition (rain, snow, clear, overcast,...)
WeatherConditionDescription |
Textual description of the weather conditions
WindDirection |
Wind direction expressed in decimal degrees respect to the North (clockwise measured)
WindSpeed |
Observed wind speed