Name: |
Building Global Data
URN: |
Version: |
Description: |
Provides the whole set of data measured in a smart building
Name | Description | Required |
BuildingID |
Building identifier
coordinates |
Geographical reference
period |
Measurement period of the data reported in the row
ActiveEnergy |
Active energy withdrawn from the grid
AirTemperature |
Air temperature outside the building
ApparentEnergy |
Apparent energy withdrawn from the grid
BatteryVoltage |
Battery voltage
BuildingName |
A name or label associated to a building.
CapacityReactiveEnergy |
Capacitive reactive energy withdrawn from the grid
FloorNumber |
An identifier for a floor in a building
IndoorAirTemperature |
Air temperature in a closed environment
IndoorRelativeHumidity |
Indoor relative humidity, expressed as percentage
InductiveReactiveEnergy |
Inductive reactive energy withdrawn from the grid
InjectedActiveEnergy |
Active energy fed into the grid
InjectedCapacitiveReactiveEnergy |
Capacitive reactive energy fed into the grid
InjectedInductiveReactiveEnergy |
Inductive reactive energy fed into the grid
LocationID |
An identifier for the monitored location
ReactiveEnergy |
Total reactive energy withdrawn from the grid
RelativeHumidity |
Relative humidity outside the building
SensorID |
A unique identifier of the sensor, e.g. the serial number, the mac address
ThermalConsumption |
Thermal energy consumption
ThermalPower |
Thermal power consumption