Name: |
Microclimate Monitoring
URN: |
Version: |
Description: |
Comfort parameters monitoring in inhabited environments
Name | Description | Required |
RoomCode |
A code identifying the type of room (e.g. kitchen, bathroom, office) where the sensor is located
SensorID |
A unique identifier of the sensor, e.g. the serial number, the mac address
SensorTypeCode |
The type of sensor (e.g. smart plugs, smart switches, presence, ..) that carries out the measurement, expressed as code.
period |
Measurement period of the data reported in the row
AirTemperature |
Air temperature
AtmosphericPressure |
Observed atmospheric pressure
IndoorAirQualityIndex |
Air quality index in a closed environment
IndoorCO2 |
CO2 value (measured or estimated) in a closed environment
IndoorCO2Equivalent |
(Indirect) CO2 valued related to the equivalent VOC referred to the average breath of a person
Luminosity |
OccupantCount |
Number of occupants in a delimited area
PM2 |
Quantity of particulate matter, fine dust, that are 2,5 micrometers or less in diameter
PMV index (predicted mean vote) providing the measurement of indoor comfort according to the scale [-3,+3]
RadonConcentration |
Radon concentration
RealEstateUnitID |
An identifier for the real estate unit (e.g. apartment, building, independent house...)
RelativeHumidity |
Relative humidity, expressed as percentage
RoomID |
An identifier for the room
SensorName |
Brand or model code of the sensor
Volatile organic compounds
WindowStatusCode |
A code indicating the window status (open or closed)
coordinates |
Geographical reference