Name: |
Impact Risk Indicators
URN: |
Version: |
Description: |
Aggregated indicators of socio-economic impact due to natural hazards. They indicate the urban resilience evolution over time and set of the affected nodes (Points of Interest and Critical Infrastructure)
Name | Description | Required |
HazardEventTypeCode |
A code identifying the type of hazard event
ImpactRiskIndicatorCode |
Code identifying the indicator type (social, operational, economic)
IndicatorValue |
Urban resilience value of the affected area. Details are in the Description field, if presen
period |
Measurement period of the data reported in the row
CountryCode |
A code identifying the country
DataDescription |
Description of the Indicator Value field
EventID |
An unique identifier for the event
ProvinceName |
Province name
RegionCode |
A code identifying a region
SchemeID |
Identifies an encoding scheme
SimulatedFlag |
Indicates if the reported event is real (false) or simulated (true)
TownName |
Extended town name (e.g. Roma, Anguillara Sabazia, ecc.)
ZIPCode |
Zip Code
coordinates |
Geographical reference of the affected area