Identifies an encoding scheme
Unit of measure:
Code list:
No code list available

Used in UrbanDataset:

Name Description
WeatherForecast Identifies an encoding scheme
AirMonitoring Indicates the encoding scheme the identifier provided in the LocationID field belongs to
BuildingEarthquakeImpact Identifies an encoding scheme
EarthquakeDamagedBuildingsCounter Identifies an encoding scheme
EarthquakeEvents Identifies an encoding scheme
ElectricEnergyStorageSystemRecords Identifies an encoding scheme
ElectricMeterReading Indicates the encoding scheme the identifier provided in the RealEstateUnitID field belongs to
ElectricVehicleChargingConsumption Indicates the encoding scheme the identifier provided in the ChargingStationID field belongs to
ElectricVehicleChargingStationRecords Identifies an encoding scheme
ElectricVehicleRecords Identifies an encoding scheme
EnergyConversionSystemRecords Indicates the encoding scheme the identifier provided in the EnergySystemID field belongs to (it is the scope in which the identifier was defined; e.g. "CampusParma", "CampusLeonardo")
EnergySystemConsumerRecords Identifies an encoding scheme
EnergySystemElectricProduction Indicates the encoding scheme the identifier provided in the EnergySystemID field belongs to (it is the scope in which the identifier was defined)
EnergySystemThermalProduction Identifies an encoding scheme
Events Indicates the encoding scheme the identifiers provided in LocationID and SecondaryLocationID fields belong to (e.g. ISTAT if the city of the event is identified by the ISTAT municipality code)
GasMeterReading Indicates the encoding scheme the identifier provided in the RealEstateUnitID field belongs to
ImpactRiskIndicators Identifies an encoding scheme
M1ElectricUserDevice Identifies an encoding scheme
M2ElectricUserDevice Identifies an encoding scheme
MobilityEvents Identifies an encoding scheme
PhotovoltaicSystemRecords Indicates the encoding scheme the identifier provided in the EnergySystemID field belongs to
Presences Indicates the encoding scheme the identifier provided in the LocationID field belongs to
SolarPanelRecords Identifies an encoding scheme
Transits Indicates the encoding scheme the identifier provided in the Location fields belong to
UserCoolingConsumption Identifies an encoding scheme
UserElectricConsumption Identifies an encoding scheme
UserThermalConsumption Identifies an encoding scheme
WeatherCondition Indicates the encoding scheme the identifier provided in LocationID field belongs to (e.g. ISTAT if the monitored area is identified by the ISTAT municipality code)

Sub-Properties list:

No sub-properties defined