Semantic Description of Transits UrbanDataset from SCP Ontology 2.0

This document provides human-friendly documentation for Transits UrbanDataset having semantic definition in the SCP Ontology 2.0, part of the "Smart City Platform Specifications (SCPS) - Semantic Level" developed as part of the Electricity System Research Project.

File creation date 2025-01-31 05:03

Table of content


  1. How to read this document
  2. Artifacts to create an UrbanDataset message

SECTION I: UrbanDataset

  1. Transits

SECTION II: Code lists

  1. ADRCode.gc
  2. EuroClassCode.gc
  3. MonitoringPointCode.gc
  4. PeriodValueQualifierCode.gc
  5. PhysicalUnitCategoryCode.gc
  6. TransportMeansCode.gc
  7. TransportScopeCode.gc
  8. CountryCode.gc
  9. FormatCode.gc
  10. LanguageCode.gc
  11. TimezoneCode.gc


1. How to read this document

This document provides the human-friendly representation of the semantic definition of one or more SCPS ontology´s UrbanDatasets.

Each UrbanDataset is described through a table composed of three main sections:

2. Artifacts to create an UrbanDataset message

The normative references concerning the syntactic and semantic compliance of UrbanDatasets with the SCPS are:

Furthermore, in the resources section available in the tab of each UrbanDataset in the UDWebLibrary, it is possible to download the message templates in JSON and XML syntax, compliant with the specifications. A template is an example of an UrbanDataset instance having all the properties (mandatory and optional) that make it (for any properties with alternative units of measurement and/or calculation method, the default values are used).

SECTION I: UrbanDataset

  1. Transits-2.0
  2. UrbanDataset Identification
    Scope Provides information relating to the transit of people or transport means (possibly classified by age range, gender, origin, type of transport means, etc.), giving them a spatial and temporal location. Transits can be related to a route specified via departure point, arrival point and any further monitoring points or to a single point (in this case it will correspond to the departure point)
    Category / Subcategory Transportation / TrafficManagement
    Identifier Transits-2.0
    Name Transits
    UrbanDataset Contextualization
    Description Format/Code list
    coordinates Geographical reference

    Aggregated property
    subProperty: format Wgs84 format in which the coordinates are expressed (optional attribute) string

    subProperty: height Altitude (optional property) double

    subProperty: latitude Latitude double

    subProperty: longitude Longitude double

    language The language in which the text fields of the instance are expressed


    timestamp Timestamp


    timezone The time zone to be applied to each timestamp in the instance; it is expressed as an offset, i.e. as + or - the number of hours and minutes respect to UTC time: +/-hh:mm (ISO 8601)


    UrbanDataset Properties

    * properties marked with an asterisk require to indicate, at instance level, the adopted calculation method (e.g. "average", "total", "instantaneous",...)
    Name Description Mandatory Format/Code list Unit of Measure
    StartLocationID Identifier of the departure location in the case of a route, or of monitoring place in the case of a single transit point

    yes string

    TransitCount * Number of detected transits

    yes integer

    coordinates Geographic coordinates of the StartLocationID (starting point of the route or single monitoring point, when transits are monitored in a single point)

    yes Aggregated property
    subProperty: format Wgs84 format in which the coordinates are expressed (optional attribute) no string

    subProperty: height Altitude (optional property) no double

    subProperty: latitude Latitude yes double

    subProperty: longitude Longitude yes double

    period Measurement period of the data reported in the row

    yes Aggregated property
    subProperty: end_ts Timestamp indicating the end of the period yes dateTime

    subProperty: start_ts Timestamp indicating the beginning of the period yes dateTime

    ADRCode Dangerous goods identification code

    no string

    AnomalousTransitCount * Number of anomalous transits detected (e.g. transits in the opposite direction to the direction of travel)

    no integer

    CarrierName The name of the carrier carrying out the transport

    no string

    EndLocationID An identifier for the end location of the monitored route

    no string

    EndLocationName A name for the end location of the monitored route

    no string

    EndTimeSlot End time of a time slot


    EuroClassCode A code identifying the EURO class of the vehicle

    no string

    LocationID An identifier for the monitored location

    no string

    LocationName Location name

    no string

    MonitoringPointCode A code specifying in which points of a route the sensors for detecting transit are present

    no string

    PeriodQualifierCode A qualifier for the period

    no string

    PeriodValue The period expressed as a textual value (e.g. "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "2022", etc.)

    no string

    PhysicalUnitCategoryCode A code indicating the category (people, vehicles) the number of transits indicated in the TransitCount field refers to

    no string

    SchemeID Indicates the encoding scheme the identifier provided in the Location fields belong to

    no string

    StartLocationName A name for the starting location of the monitored route

    no string

    StartTimeSlot Start time of a time slot


    TimeSlotDescription Time slot expressed as a value. Recommended values "daytime", "nighttime", where, if not specified by "Start time" and "End time", it is assumed that: - daytime: from 07:00 to 18:59 - nighttime: from 19:00 to 06:59

    no string

    TotalCountFlag States whether the indicated number of transits is total (true) or partial (false) for the indicated period

    no boolean

    TransportMeansCode A code indicating the macrocategory which the transport means belongs to

    no string

    TransportScopeCode A code specifying the type of cargo of the transport means (people, goods, animals, etc.)

    no string

    VehicleRegistrationCountryCode A code specifying the country of vehicle registration

    no string

    WorkingDayFlag Indicates if the data contained in the row refers to weekdays or holidays

    no boolean

SECTION II: Code lists

  1. ADRCode.gc
  2. Short name ADRCode
    Version 2.0
    Agency ENEA
    Code Value
    NoADR todo
    DG1 Danger Class 1 - Explosive substances and articles
    DG2 Danger Class 2 - Gases
    DG3 Danger Class 3 - Flammable liquids
    DG4.1 Danger Class 4.1 - Flammable solids, self-reactive substances, polymerizing substances and solid desensitized explosives
    DG4.2 Danger Class 4.2 - ubstances liable to spontaneous combustion
    DG4.3 Danger Class 4.3 - Substances which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases
    DG5.1 Danger Class 5.1 - Oxidizing substances
    DG5.2 Danger Class 5.2 - Organic peroxides
    DG6.1 Danger Class 6.1 - Toxic substances
    DG6.2 Danger Class 6.2 - Infectious substances
    DG7 Danger Class 7 - Radioactive material
    DG8 Danger Class 8 - Corrosive substances
    DG9 Danger Class 9 - Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles

  3. EuroClassCode.gc
  4. Short name EuroClassCode
    Version 2.0
    Agency ENEA
    Code Value
    Euro0 Euro 0 vehicles - registration before 31-12-1991
    Euro1 Euro 1 vehicles - registration from 1-01-1993
    Euro2 Euro 2 vehicles - registration from 1-01-1997
    Euro3 Euro 3 vehicles - registration from 1-01-2001
    Euro4 Euro 4 vehicles - registration from 1-01-2006
    Euro5 Euro 5 vehicles - registration from 1-01-2011
    Euro6 Euro 6 vehicles - registration from 1-09-2015

  5. MonitoringPointCode.gc
  6. Short name MonitoringPointCode
    Version 2.0
    Agency ENEA
    Code Value
    STR Sensor present only at the start of the route.
    END Sensor present only at the end of the route.
    OTH Sensor present only in one place along the route.
    ALL Sensor present both at the start and end points of the route and along the route.
    ST-EN todo
    ST-OT Sensor present at the start of the route and along the route.
    EN-OT Sensor present at the end of the route and along the route.

  7. PeriodValueQualifierCode.gc
  8. Short name PeriodValueQualifierCodeCode
    Version 2.0
    Agency ENEA
    Code Value
    day day
    month month
    year year

  9. PhysicalUnitCategoryCode.gc
  10. Short name PhysicalUnitCategoryCode
    Version 2.0
    Agency ENEA
    Code Value
    PER Person
    TRM Generic means of transport
    VEL Velocipede
    CIC Scooter
    MOT Motor vehicles
    LV0 Light vehicles
    LV1 Cars and minivans
    LV2 Cars and minivans with trailer
    LV3 Vans and pickup trucks
    HV0 Heavy vehicles
    HV1 Medium trucks (up to 7.5 m) or commercial light vehicles
    HV2 Large trucks or commercial heavy vehicles
    HV3 Trailer truck (trucks with trailer)
    HV4 Articulated trucks (tractors with semi-trailer)
    HV5 Bus
    HV6 Others (special vehicles, exceptional transports, agricultural vehicles, operating machines,….)
    PET Animal

  11. TransportMeansCode.gc
  12. Short name TransportMeansCode
    Version 2.0
    Agency ENEA
    Code Value
    VEL Velocipede
    MOT Motor vehicles
    MEL Light vehicles
    MEP Heavy vehicles
    MEP-05 Bus
    AIR Aircraft
    SHP Ship
    TRN Train

  13. TransportScopeCode.gc
  14. Short name TransportScopeCode
    Version 2.0
    Agency ENEA
    Code Value
    PER People
    GOO Goods
    PET Pets

  15. CountryCode.gc
  16. Short name CountryCode
    Version 2.0
    Agency ENEA
    Code Value
    IT Italy
    AL Albania
    AD Andorra
    AT Austria
    BE Belgium
    BG Bulgaria
    DK Denmark
    FI Finland
    FR France
    DE Germany
    UK United Kingdom
    GR Greece
    IE Ireland
    IS Iceland
    LI Liechtenstein
    LU Luxembourg
    MT Malta
    MC Monaco
    NO Norway
    NL Netherlands
    PL Poland
    PT Portugal
    RO Romania
    SM San Marino
    ES Spain
    SE Sweden
    CH Switzerland
    UA Ukraine
    HU Hungary
    RU Russia
    VA Vatican City State
    EE Estonia
    LV Latvia
    LT Lithuania
    HR Croatia
    SI Slovenia
    BA Bosnia-Herzegovina
    MK North Macedonia
    MD Moldova
    SK Slovakia
    BY Belarus
    CZ Czech Republic
    ME Montenegro
    RS Serbia
    n.d. Kosovo
    AF Afghanistan
    SA Saudi Arabia
    BH Bahrein
    BD Bangladesh
    BT Bhutan
    MM Myanmar
    BN Brunei Darussalam
    KH Cambodia
    LK Sri Lanka
    CN China
    CY Cyprus
    KP North Korea
    KR South Korea
    AE United Arab Emirates
    PH Philippines
    PS Palestine
    JP Japan
    JO Jordan
    IN India
    ID Indonesia
    IR Iran
    IQ Iraq
    IL Israel
    KW Kuwait
    LA Laos
    LB Lebanon
    TL Timor Leste
    MV Maldives
    MY Malaysia
    MN Mongolia
    NP Nepal
    OM Oman
    PK Pakistan
    QA Qatar
    SG Singapore
    SY Syria
    TH Thailand
    TR Turkey
    VN Vietnam
    YE Yemen
    KZ Kazakhstan
    UZ Uzbekistan
    AM Armenia
    AZ Azerbaigian
    GE Georgia
    KG Kyrgyzstan
    TJ Tajikistan
    TW Taiwan
    TM Turkmenistan
    DZ Algeria
    AO Angola
    CI Ivory Coast
    BJ Benin
    BW Botswana
    BF Burkina Faso
    BI Burundi
    CM Cameroon
    CV Cape Verde
    CF Central African Republic
    TD Chad
    KM Comoros
    CG Congo
    EG Egypt
    ET Ethiopia
    GA Gabon
    GM Gambia
    GH Ghana
    DJ Gibuti
    GN Guinea
    GW Guinea-Bissau
    GQ Equatorial Guinea
    KE Kenya
    LS Lesotho
    LR Liberia
    LY Libya
    MG Madagascar
    MW Malawi
    ML Mali
    MA Marocco
    MR Mauritania
    MU Mauritius
    MZ Mozambique
    NA Namibia
    NE Niger
    NG Nigeria
    RW Rwanda
    ST Saint Thomas and Prince
    SC Seychelles
    SN Senegal
    SL Sierra Leone
    SO Somalia
    ZA South Africa
    SD Sudan
    SZ Eswatini
    TZ Tanzania
    TG Togo
    TN Tunisia
    UG Uganda
    CD Democratic Republic of Congo
    ZM Zambia
    ZW Zimbabwe
    ER Eritrea
    SS South Sudan
    AG Antigua and Barbuda
    BS Bahamas
    BB Barbados
    BZ Belize
    CA Canada
    CR Costa Rica
    CU Cuba
    DM Dominica
    DO Dominican Republic
    SV El Salvador
    JM Jamaica
    GD Grenada
    GT Guatemala
    HT Haiti
    HN Honduras
    MX Mexico
    NI Nicaragua
    PA Panama
    LC Saint Lucia
    VC Saint Vincent and Grenadine
    KN Saint Kitts and Nevis
    US United States of America
    AR Argentina
    BO Bolivia
    BR Brazil
    CL Chile
    CO Colombia
    EC Ecuador
    GY Guyana
    PY Paraguay
    PE Peru
    SR Suriname
    TT Trinidad and Tobago
    UY Uruguay
    VE Venezuela
    AU Australia
    FJ Fiji
    KI Kiribati
    MH Marshall Islands
    FM Federated States of Micronesia
    NR Nauru
    NZ New Zeland
    PW Palau
    PG Papua New Guinea
    SB Solomon Islands
    WS Samoa
    TO Tonga
    TV Tuvalu
    VU Vanuatu
    NC New Caledonia
    MF Saint-Martin (FR)
    EH Western Sahara
    BL Saint-Barthélemy
    BM Bermuda
    CK Cook Islands (NZ)
    GI Gibraltar
    KY Cayman Islands
    AI Anguilla
    PF French Polynesia
    FO Faroe Islands
    JE Jersey
    AW Aruba
    SX Sint Maarten (NL)
    GL Greenland
    n.d. Sark
    GG Guernsey
    FK Falkland Islands (Malvine)
    IM Isle of Man
    MS Montserrat
    CW Curaçao
    PN Pitcairn Islands
    PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon
    SH Saint Helena
    TF French Southern and Antarctic Lands
    TC Turks and Caicos Islands
    VG British Virgin Islands
    WF Wallis and Futuna

  17. FormatCode.gc
  18. Short name FormatCode
    Version 2.0
    Agency ENEA
    Code Value
    WGS84-DMS WGS84 - Degree, Minutes, Seconds format
    WGS84-DD WGS84 - Decimal Degrees format

  19. LanguageCode.gc
  20. Short name LanguageCode
    Version 2.0
    Agency ENEA
    Code Value
    IT Italian
    EN English

  21. TimezoneCode.gc
  22. Short name TimezoneCode
    Version 2.0
    Agency ENEA
    Code Value
    UTC-12 −12:00
    UTC-11 −11:00
    UTC-10 −10:00
    UTC-9:30 −09:30
    UTC-9 −09:00
    UTC-8 −08:00
    UTC-7 −07:00
    UTC-6 −06:00
    UTC-5 −05:00
    UTC-4 −04:00
    UTC-3:30 −03:30
    UTC-3 −03:00
    UTC-2 −02:00
    UTC-1 −01:00
    UTC +00:00
    UTC+1 +01:00
    UTC+2 +02:00
    UTC+3 +03:00
    UTC+3:30 +03:30
    UTC+4 +04:00
    UTC+4:30 +04:30
    UTC+5 +05:00
    UTC+5:30 +05:30
    UTC+5:45 +05:45
    UTC+6 +06:00
    UTC+6:30 +06:30
    UTC+7 +07:00
    UTC+8 +08:00
    UTC+8:30 +08:30
    UTC+8:45 +08:45
    UTC+9 +09:00
    UTC+9:30 +09:30
    UTC+10 +10:00
    UTC+10:30 +10:30
    UTC+11 +11:00
    UTC+12 +12:00
    UTC+12:45 +12:45
    UTC+13 +13:00
    UTC+14 +14:00