Semantic Description of HydrologicalExtremesTimeSeries UrbanDataset from SCP Ontology 2.0

This document provides human-friendly documentation for HydrologicalExtremesTimeSeries UrbanDataset having semantic definition in the SCP Ontology 2.0, part of the "Smart City Platform Specifications (SCPS) - Semantic Level" developed as part of the Electricity System Research Project.

File creation date 2025-01-31 04:42

Table of content


  1. How to read this document
  2. Artifacts to create an UrbanDataset message

SECTION I: UrbanDataset

  1. HydrologicalExtremesTimeSeries

SECTION II: Code lists

  1. DataQualityCode.gc
  2. HydrologicalExtremesParameterCode.gc
  3. FormatCode.gc
  4. LanguageCode.gc
  5. TimezoneCode.gc


1. How to read this document

This document provides the human-friendly representation of the semantic definition of one or more SCPS ontology´s UrbanDatasets.

Each UrbanDataset is described through a table composed of three main sections:

2. Artifacts to create an UrbanDataset message

The normative references concerning the syntactic and semantic compliance of UrbanDatasets with the SCPS are:

Furthermore, in the resources section available in the tab of each UrbanDataset in the UDWebLibrary, it is possible to download the message templates in JSON and XML syntax, compliant with the specifications. A template is an example of an UrbanDataset instance having all the properties (mandatory and optional) that make it (for any properties with alternative units of measurement and/or calculation method, the default values are used).

SECTION I: UrbanDataset

  1. HydrologicalExtremesTimeSeries-2.0
  2. UrbanDataset Identification
    Scope Time series relating to parameters for the prevention, defence and management of floods and droughts scenarios
    Category / Subcategory PublicSafetyPolicyEmergencyResponse / NaturalHazard
    Identifier HydrologicalExtremesTimeSeries-2.0
    Name Hydrological Extremes Time Series
    UrbanDataset Contextualization
    Description Format/Code list
    coordinates Geographical reference

    Aggregated property
    subProperty: format Wgs84 format in which the coordinates are expressed (optional attribute) string

    subProperty: height Altitude (optional property) double

    subProperty: latitude Latitude double

    subProperty: longitude Longitude double

    language The language in which the text fields of the instance are expressed


    timestamp Timestamp


    timezone The time zone to be applied to each timestamp in the instance; it is expressed as an offset, i.e. as + or - the number of hours and minutes respect to UTC time: +/-hh:mm (ISO 8601)


    UrbanDataset Properties

    * properties marked with an asterisk require to indicate, at instance level, the adopted calculation method (e.g. "average", "total", "instantaneous",...)
    Name Description Mandatory Format/Code list Unit of Measure
    HydrologicalExtremesParameterCode A code specifing the parameter that is exported

    yes string

    LocationID An identifier for the monitored location

    yes string

    ParameterValue * The value of the monitored parameter

    yes double

    period Date and time when the timeseries starts and ends

    yes Aggregated property
    subProperty: end_ts Timestamp indicating the end of the period yes dateTime

    subProperty: start_ts Timestamp indicating the beginning of the period yes dateTime

    timestamp Date and time of the value in this line has been detected

    yes dateTime

    DataQualityCode It provides information about the quality and reliability of the data provided by the sensor

    no string

    MonitoringStationName The name of the monitoring station providing data

    no string

    TimeSeriesID An identifier for the timeseries

    no string

    coordinates The coordinate of the station providing data

    no Aggregated property
    subProperty: format Wgs84 format in which the coordinates are expressed (optional attribute) no string

    subProperty: height Altitude (optional property) no double

    subProperty: latitude Latitude yes double

    subProperty: longitude Longitude yes double

SECTION II: Code lists

  1. DataQualityCode.gc
  2. Short name DataQualityCode
    Version 2.0
    Agency ENEA
    Code Value
    1 Reliable value
    2 Unreliable value
    3 Value outside the admitted range
    -999 Unavailable value

  3. HydrologicalExtremesParameterCode.gc
  4. Short name HydrologicalExtremesParameterCode
    Version 2.0
    Agency ENEA
    Code Value
    FSDeform Indicator to evaluate the deformation safety factor
    CLMacro Cumulative Losses
    FSMacro Indicator to evaluate the drought safety factor
    RRMacro Indicator to evaluate the recovery of a system after Failure due to Macro stability

  5. FormatCode.gc
  6. Short name FormatCode
    Version 2.0
    Agency ENEA
    Code Value
    WGS84-DMS WGS84 - Degree, Minutes, Seconds format
    WGS84-DD WGS84 - Decimal Degrees format

  7. LanguageCode.gc
  8. Short name LanguageCode
    Version 2.0
    Agency ENEA
    Code Value
    IT Italian
    EN English

  9. TimezoneCode.gc
  10. Short name TimezoneCode
    Version 2.0
    Agency ENEA
    Code Value
    UTC-12 −12:00
    UTC-11 −11:00
    UTC-10 −10:00
    UTC-9:30 −09:30
    UTC-9 −09:00
    UTC-8 −08:00
    UTC-7 −07:00
    UTC-6 −06:00
    UTC-5 −05:00
    UTC-4 −04:00
    UTC-3:30 −03:30
    UTC-3 −03:00
    UTC-2 −02:00
    UTC-1 −01:00
    UTC +00:00
    UTC+1 +01:00
    UTC+2 +02:00
    UTC+3 +03:00
    UTC+3:30 +03:30
    UTC+4 +04:00
    UTC+4:30 +04:30
    UTC+5 +05:00
    UTC+5:30 +05:30
    UTC+5:45 +05:45
    UTC+6 +06:00
    UTC+6:30 +06:30
    UTC+7 +07:00
    UTC+8 +08:00
    UTC+8:30 +08:30
    UTC+8:45 +08:45
    UTC+9 +09:00
    UTC+9:30 +09:30
    UTC+10 +10:00
    UTC+10:30 +10:30
    UTC+11 +11:00
    UTC+12 +12:00
    UTC+12:45 +12:45
    UTC+13 +13:00
    UTC+14 +14:00